To ensure high quality, we set high standards for ourselves. We emphasize that our advisers have significant transaction experience, financial understanding and industrial experience.

The Service Alliance
Mandate from Driv Kapital in connection with acquisitions for the portfolio company Servicealliansen

Mandate from the owner of Buskerud Varmepumpeservice in connection with the sale of the shares in the company to Konstel AS

Tiller Vimek
Mandate from Tiller Vimek in connection with the sale of the shares to Accent Equity

Green climate
Sale of shares. Oslo Finans has assisted Grøntklima in connection with the transfer of the shares to Beijer Ref.

Mandate from the private equity company Axcel Management A/S in connection with the acquisition of the shares in Nebb Engineering for Init Group

Sale of shares. Mandate from the owners of the ventilation contractor company in connection with the sale of the shares to Assemblin

Bislett Kebab House AS
Sale of shares. Oslo Finans assisted the owners of BKH in connection with the sale of the shares to Driv Kapital.

Fairly Easy AS
Sale of shares. Mandate from the owners of Ganske Enkelt AS in connection with the transfer of the company to ØB Solution AS

Sale of shares. Mandate from the owners of ØstCom AS in connection with the transfer of the company to Vestum AB

Akershus Elektro
Sale of shares. Mandate from the owners of Akershus Elektro in connection with the transfer of the company to Vestum AB

Transfer of organization in Goodtech Environmental Solutions to NCC. Mandate from Goodtech ASA in connection with the sale.

Creation of platform. Mandate from Valedo Partners in connection with acquisitions

Sale of shares. Mandate from the owners of Borger for the sale of the shares to Unicare. As part of the transaction, the sale of three SPVs with underlying properties was included

Ecura Eiendom Daimyo
Sale of shares. Mandate from Longship for sale of shares in Ecura Eiendom AS to Daimyo AS

Establishment of the Tellus group
Establishment of the platform Tellus Caravan og Fritid. Mandate from the seller side in connection with the sale of 8 companies to Credo Partners

Sale of care real estate companies
Mandate from sellers for the sale of all shares in 5 care real estate companies to SBB AB.

Acquisition for Sefbogruppen
Establishment of the real estate management and administration platform Sefbo. Mandate from Valedo for acquisition of 24 companies.

Hardstuff Fritzoe
Sale of shares. Mandate from Hardstuff’s owners for the sale of shares to Fritzøe Engros.

Establishment of the Eltera group
Establishment of the electrical platform Elteragruppen. Mandate from Valedo Partners in connection with the acquisition

Peace> The Great Forest
Sale of shares. Mandate from Frends for sale the the majority shareholding to Storskogen.

Innva AS> Axflow
Purchase of shares. Mandate for Axel Johnson International. AxFlow buys 100% of the shares in Innva AS.

Primat Omsorg Nord > Nord Kapitalforvaltning
Sale of shares. Mandate from Privat Omsorg Nord for sale of 100% of shares to Nord Kapitalforvaltning.

HR Manager > Verdane Edda
Sale of shares. Mandate from HR Manager for the sale of the majority shareholding to Verdane Edda.

Prosero > Valedo
Establishment of security platform Prosero Securities AS. Mandate from Valedo Partners for acquisition of 12 companies.

Powertech > Midroc
Sale of shares. Mandate from PowerTech AS for sale of 100% of the shares to Midroc Electro AS.

Scandinavian Cosmetics
Sale of shares. Mandate from BVS Solis Holding AS for sale of 100% of shares in Solis AS and Alf Sörensen AB to Scandinavian Cosmetics Group.

Vangseter > Ecura
Sale of shares. Mandate from JCP Holding AS for sale of 100% of shares in Vangseter AS to Ecura Helse og Omsorg AS.

Målrettet Intervensjon AS > Ambea Norge AS
Sale of shares. Mandate from Braaten and Skipperstøen Holding AS for sale of 100% of the shares in Målrettet Intervensjon AS to Ambea Norge AS.

Valedo > Cordel
Establishment of the platform Cordel Norden AS (SmartCraft). Mandate from Valdeo Partners.

HR Prosjekt > Longship
Purchase of shares. Mandate from Longship for sale of majority shareholding in HR Prosjekt AS.

Process Partner > Axflow
Purchase of shares. Mandate for Mandat for Axel Johnson International. Axflow buys 100% of the shares in Process Partner AS.

Melås Helse AS > Longship
Sale of shares. Mandate from Melås Helse AS for sale of 100% of the shares to Longship.

Mestrings- og Læringssenteret > Longship
Sale of shares. Mandate from Mestrings- og Læringssenteret for sale of 100% of the shares to Longship.

Euro Business School > Solar AS
Sale of shares. Mandate from Euro Business School AS for sale of 100% of shares to danish Solar A/S.

Sysco > Credo
Sale of shares. Mandate from Sysco AS for sale of majority shareholding to Credo Partners.

KOA > Humana
Sale of shares. Mandate from KOA AS for sale of 100% of shares to Humana AB.

Norva24 > Valedo
Establishment of the platform Norva24, underground infrastructure. Mandate from Valedo Partners for purchase of share in 4 companies.

Vesterled > Team Olivia
Sale of shares. Mandate from Vesterled AS for sale of 100% of shares to Team Olivia AB.

Fusjon mellom GMT og Orbid AquaCam
Mandate from GMT for merging with Orbit AquaCam as acquiring company.

Norgesplaster > Avenyen
Sale of shares. Mandate from Actavis Norway AS for sale of Norgesplaster to Avenyen AS.

BANDAK > Herkules
Purchase of shares. Mandate for the acquisition of 62% of the shares in Bandak Holding AS.

Orkla > Din Baker
Sale of shares. Mandate from Orkla's subsidiary Bakers AS for sale of 100% of the shares in the bakery chain Bakehuset Kafe AS to Din Baker Invest AS.

NCI > Fram AS
Sale of shares. Mandate from Norsk Chokolade Import (NCI) for sale of 100% of shares to Fram AS.

TUA > Frösunda LSS AB
Sale of shares. Mandate from Tiltak for Ungdom-Agder AS for sale of 90,1% of shares to Frösunda LSS AB.

Erbus > Greenland Group
Sale of shares. mandate from Erbus AS for sale of 51% of shares to Grenland Group.

Løft AS > INOM
Sale of shares. Mandate from Løft AS for sale of 100% of shares to Inom AB.

Strategic advice for Multiconsult
Strategic advice for Multiconsult related to strategic alternatives, competitor analysis, mergers and acquisitions.

Norsk Analyse AS > Addtech Life Science
Sale of shares. Mandate from Norsk Analyse for sale of 100% of shares to Addtech Life Science, a business unit within the Addtech Group, listed on the stock exchange in Sweden.

Hartmark > Vardegruppen
Purchase of shares. Mandate for acquisition of 100% of the shares in Hartmark.

Boenheten > Team Olivia
Sale of shares. Mandate from Boenheten for sale of 100% of shares to Team Olivia.

Våre Hjem AS > INOM
Sale of shares. Mandate from Våre Hjem AS for sale of 100% of shares in INOM.

JKK Group > Consilium
Sale of shares. Mandate from JKK Group for sale of 60% of shares to Consilium.

Heimta Holding AS > Solhagagruppen
Sale of shares. Mandate from Heimta Holding AS for sale of 100% of shares to Solhagagruppen.

The Service Alliance
The Service Alliance
Drive Capital
Mandate from Driv Kapital in connection with acquisitions for the portfolio company Servicealliansen

Buskerud Varmepumpeservice AS
Konstel AS
Mandate from the owner of Buskerud Varmepumpeservice in connection with the sale of the shares in the company to Konstel AS

Tiller Vimek
Tiller Vimek AS
Accent Equity
Mandate from Tiller Vimek in connection with the sale of the shares to Accent Equity

Green climate
Grøntklima AS
Beijer Ref AB
Sale of shares. Oslo Finans has assisted Grøntklima in connection with the transfer of the shares to Beijer Ref.

Nebb Engineering AS
Init Group
Mandate from the private equity company Axcel Management A/S in connection with the acquisition of the shares in Nebb Engineering for Init Group

Ingeniørselskapet R. Torgersen AS
Assemblin AS
Sale of shares. Mandate from the owners of the ventilation contractor company in connection with the sale of the shares to Assemblin

Bislett Kebab House AS
Bislett Kebab House
Drive Capital
Sale of shares. Oslo Finans assisted the owners of BKH in connection with the sale of the shares to Driv Kapital.

Goodtech ASA
Transfer of organization in Goodtech Environmental Solutions to NCC. Mandate from Goodtech ASA in connection with the sale.

Sale of shares. Mandate from the owners of Borger for the sale of the shares to Unicare. As part of the transaction, the sale of three SPVs with underlying properties was included

Akershus Elektro
Akershus Elektro
Sale of shares. Mandate from the owners of Akershus Elektro in connection with the transfer of the company to Vestum AB

Creation of platform. Mandate from Valedo Partners in connection with acquisitions

Sale of shares. Mandate from the owners of ØstCom AS in connection with the transfer of the company to Vestum AB

Fairly Easy AS
Quite simple
ØB Solutions
Sale of shares. Mandate from the owners of Ganske Enkelt AS in connection with the transfer of the company to ØB Solution AS

Ecura Eiendom Daimyo
Sale of shares. Mandate from Longship for sale of shares in Ecura Eiendom AS to Daimyo AS

Establishment of the Tellus group
Tellus Caravan og Fritid
Credo Partners
Establishment of the platform Tellus Caravan og Fritid. Mandate from the seller side in connection with the sale of 8 companies to Credo Partners

Establishment of the Eltera group
Establishment of the electrical platform Elteragruppen. Mandate from Valedo Partners in connection with the acquisition

Hardstuff Fritzoe
Fritzøe Engros
Sale of shares. Mandate from Hardstuff’s owners for the sale of shares to Fritzøe Engros.

Acquisition for Sefbogruppen
Establishment of the real estate management and administration platform Sefbo. Mandate from Valedo for acquisition of 24 companies.

Sale of care real estate companies
Mandate from sellers for the sale of all shares in 5 care real estate companies to SBB AB.

Peace> The Great Forest
Sale of shares. Mandate from Frends for sale the the majority shareholding to Storskogen.

Innva AS> Axflow
Innva AS
Purchase of shares. Mandate for Axel Johnson International. AxFlow buys 100% of the shares in Innva AS.

Primat Omsorg Nord > Nord Kapitalforvaltning
Private Care North
Nord Kapitalforvaltning
Sale of shares. Mandate from Privat Omsorg Nord for sale of 100% of shares to Nord Kapitalforvaltning.

HR Manager > Verdane Edda
HR Manager
Verdane Edda
Sale of shares. Mandate from HR Manager for the sale of the majority shareholding to Verdane Edda.

Prosero > Valedo
Establishment of security platform Prosero Securities AS. Mandate from Valedo Partners for acquisition of 12 companies.

Powertech > Midroc
Sale of shares. Mandate from PowerTech AS for sale of 100% of the shares to Midroc Electro AS.

Scandinavian Cosmetics
Scandinavian Cosmetics
Sale of shares. Mandate from BVS Solis Holding AS for sale of 100% of shares in Solis AS and Alf Sörensen AB to Scandinavian Cosmetics Group.

Vangseter > Ecura
Sale of shares. Mandate from JCP Holding AS for sale of 100% of shares in Vangseter AS to Ecura Helse og Omsorg AS.

Målrettet Intervensjon AS > Ambea Norge AS
Targeted Intervention AS
Ambea Norge AS
Sale of shares. Mandate from Braaten and Skipperstøen Holding AS for sale of 100% of the shares in Målrettet Intervensjon AS to Ambea Norge AS.

Valedo > Cordel
Cordel Norden
Establishment of the platform Cordel Norden AS (SmartCraft). Mandate from Valdeo Partners.

HR Prosjekt > Longship
HR Prosjekt AS
Purchase of shares. Mandate from Longship for sale of majority shareholding in HR Prosjekt AS.

Process Partner > Axflow
Process Partner AS
Purchase of shares. Mandate for Mandat for Axel Johnson International. Axflow buys 100% of the shares in Process Partner AS.

Melås Helse AS > Longship
Melås Helse AS
Sale of shares. Mandate from Melås Helse AS for sale of 100% of the shares to Longship.

Mestrings- og Læringssenteret > Longship
Mestrings- og Læringssenteret
Sale of shares. Mandate from Mestrings- og Læringssenteret for sale of 100% of the shares to Longship.

Euro Business School > Solar AS
Euro Business School
Solar AS
Sale of shares. Mandate from Euro Business School AS for sale of 100% of shares to danish Solar A/S.

Sysco > Credo
Sysco AS
Credo Partners
Sale of shares. Mandate from Sysco AS for sale of majority shareholding to Credo Partners.

KOA > Humana
Humana AB
Sale of shares. Mandate from KOA AS for sale of 100% of shares to Humana AB.

Norva24 > Valedo
Establishment of the platform Norva24, underground infrastructure. Mandate from Valedo Partners for purchase of share in 4 companies.

Vesterled > Team Olivia
Vesterled AS
Team Olivia AB
Sale of shares. Mandate from Vesterled AS for sale of 100% of shares to Team Olivia AB.

Fusjon mellom GMT og Orbid AquaCam
Mandate from GMT for merging with Orbit AquaCam as acquiring company.

Norgesplaster > Avenyen
Avenyen AS
Sale of shares. Mandate from Actavis Norway AS for sale of Norgesplaster to Avenyen AS.

BANDAK > Herkules
Hercules Capital
Purchase of shares. Mandate for the acquisition of 62% of the shares in Bandak Holding AS.

Orkla > Din Baker
Your Baker
Sale of shares. Mandate from Orkla's subsidiary Bakers AS for sale of 100% of the shares in the bakery chain Bakehuset Kafe AS to Din Baker Invest AS.

NCI > Fram AS
Norsk Chokolade Import
Fram AS
Sale of shares. Mandate from Norsk Chokolade Import (NCI) for sale of 100% of shares to Fram AS.

TUA > Frösunda LSS AB
Ungdom-Agder AS
Frösunda LSS AB
Sale of shares. Mandate from Tiltak for Ungdom-Agder AS for sale of 90,1% of shares to Frösunda LSS AB.

Erbus > Greenland Group
Erbus AS
Greenland Group
Sale of shares. mandate from Erbus AS for sale of 51% of shares to Grenland Group.

Løft AS > INOM
Løft AS
Sale of shares. Mandate from Løft AS for sale of 100% of shares to Inom AB.

Strategic advice for Multiconsult
Strategic advice for Multiconsult related to strategic alternatives, competitor analysis, mergers and acquisitions.

Norsk Analyse AS > Addtech Life Science
Norsk Analyze AS
Addtech Life Science
Sale of shares. Mandate from Norsk Analyse for sale of 100% of shares to Addtech Life Science, a business unit within the Addtech Group, listed on the stock exchange in Sweden.

Hartmark > Vardegruppen
Purchase of shares. Mandate for acquisition of 100% of the shares in Hartmark.

Boenheten > Team Olivia
Team Olivia
Sale of shares. Mandate from Boenheten for sale of 100% of shares to Team Olivia.

Våre Hjem AS > INOM
Våre Hjem AS
Sale of shares. Mandate from Våre Hjem AS for sale of 100% of shares in INOM.

JKK Group > Consilium
JKK Group
Sale of shares. Mandate from JKK Group for sale of 60% of shares to Consilium.

Heimta Holding AS > Solhagagruppen
Heimta Helse og Omsorg
Sale of shares. Mandate from Heimta Holding AS for sale of 100% of shares to Solhagagruppen.